
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Political Portraits

'Papa Doc, Haiti' was published in Status Magazine, New York, November 1968. Pen, wash & watercolour. Reprinted in Ronald Searle: In Perspective, 1983. The original was stolen.

Another drawing attacking military dictatorship in Paraguay.  HOLIDAY magazine, April 1969

Nikita Khrushchev in New York, 1960 
pencil, pen and brown ink and watercolour
Holiday Magazine, New York, 1960.

PUNCH magazine 14th September 1960

Searle captured Churchill orating at the Guildhall, Cambridge & even managed to get the great man to sign the drawing.

Winston Churchill on the way out 
'Ronald Searle/Punch Dec 1954 -'

 Punch April 18, 1956 

'The British Public Knowing what It Likes' 1954

In 1955 Searle was at the House of Commons to record Churchill's last speech. LIFE magazine

Cross Channel Marathon (Winston Churchill), inscribed 'the political endurance test' and no.10 and no.1', pencil, 27.3 x 20.3cm. Illustrated:. Preliminary Drawing for Punch, 12 August 1953, page 193. Exhibited. 'Ronald Searle Remembered', May-June 2012. No.102

Génèrale de Gaulle

The Saturday Evening Post Feb 10, 1968


  1. Yes, I completely agree. This is fantastic Matt. Thanks so much foor putting this together. This will be a constant sourse of inspiration. I haven't seen a lot of these. Really appreciate you putting it together.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great blog Matt. I first saw Searle's work in Punch in 1957 when I was stationed with the USAF in Norfolk. I corresponded with him and he graciously sent me an original drawing which still hangs proudly on my wall. I purchased a number of his books from Perpetua Books (including the Rake's Progress) and they all came with his autograph inside.His work lives on thanks to you!

  4. Thanks Bruce! Any chance you could send me a photo of your original for the website?
