
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New publication 'The Best of Punch Cartoons' by Helen Walasek features Ronald Searle's work along with all the great cartoonists associated with the magazine. Fougasse, Thelwell, Anton, Ffolkes, Emett, Steadman, E.H. Shephard, Scarfe et al. are all represented in this fantastic collection of 2000 cartoons.

It's a hefty 600 page tome & covers 160 years of the publication's history with special focus on the main cartoon contributors including Searle.
It's published by Prion books and available here. A preview of the book is available at Amazon.

The Child-hater 'Punch' 9 June 1954

Good post on the book & Punch history here.


  1. Just found this blog -- what a great piece of work! I have some early Molewsorth editions in my collection -- passed down from my Mum -- and have always enjoyed Searle's work. Thanks for putting together such a great tribute site.

  2. I've got the book and can recommend it to anyone, it's jam-packed with great illustrations, hours of fun.
