
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Wendy Coates-Smith taught illustration at Cambridge and Central St.Martins in London for many years and now writes on the subject, co-editing LINE magazine.  She is also preparing a new publication on the subject of Searle's reportage work.  I'm grateful for permission from Wendy to reproduce her extensive essay on Searle's reportage that was published in the first issue of LINE.

Copyright Wendy Coates-Smith/APU Cambridge/LINE magazine

Wendy's excellent essay refers to an article on reportage in the AOI magazine, a copy of which she kindly also furnished me.  It contains more insightful quotes from Searle on his working methods and also Paul Hogarth.

 LINE issue 3 is due to be published imminently.  Wendy's book on Searle's reportage will be published sometime in 2011.

See more of Searle's reportage work at the following links:

  • Searle in Morocco for HOLIDAY magazine here.
  • HOLIDAY magazine overview here.
    • Searle's experience as a POW here.
    • Searle's approach to reportage here
    • Report on my first meeting with Searle & his thoughts on reportage here.


        Leo Ríos said...

        This post is magnificent...
        A million thanks, Matt, you're uber formidable!

        docnad said...

        Thanks for another great post, Matt. It's exhausting to merely think about how hard Searle worked on all his reportage, and yet it is only a part of his huge output. I can think of no instances where he sacrificed the quality of his artwork to increased productivity.