
Thursday, February 03, 2011


'A rare mini-comic by Ronald Searle. It's the forty-first volume of a series of limited editions called Les Poquettes volantes. (I've never seen any other volume.) In name, size (13,5 x 10,2 cm) and style of this booklet reminds me of L'Association's (much later) Patte de mouche series.'             From THIS Flickr set by Arthur van Kruining

I asked Ronald if this series of drawings sprang from an animated project.  He told me;

'the little booklet: Suicide,etc. was Vol: 41 in a continuing series called 'Les Poquettes Volantes' from a slightly surrealistic publisher in Belgium - a friend - who gave every writer or artist a totally free hand and each poquette was limited to 1000 copies.  It was fun to do. It wasn't more than that. Not a storyboard idea, or anything else.'

Apparently Searle did another booklet in this series LES VOLANTES DU RAVISSEUR (#42) but I haven't been able to locate it yet.


Uli Meyer said...

How marvellous! So much energy! I can see it moving...

Leo Ríos said...

a real treat... SUPERB

Rosie said...

Wonderful. Thanks for posting.

vollsticks said...

Wow! This looks like it could have came out yesterday, I could imagine it for sale on a table at APE or MOCCA or something....pretty "out there" for Searle, in a way...

foxpuncher said...

Nice isn't it - pleased to say I've got a copy of this too!

The other one you refer to isn't by Searle, it's by Jaques Villegle.