Searle has contributed a deck-chair design to a project run by the Royal Parks Foundation in London. The designs will also be on display at a pavilion in Shanghai Botanical Gardens in China. Click to enlarge the image left to see Searle's witty take on this year's theme- 'seeds'.
Read more on the project's website here.
The BBC ran a story here.
(Thanks to Stephen Nadler)
In the comments section Searle aficionado 'Docnad' pointed out the deckchair design's similarity to a New Yorker cover from June 1991.
One more exhibition for Ronald Searle's 90th birthday year!
Searle fans living in Devon will get a chance to see a reduced version of the retrospective held at the Cartoon Museum in London this summer. It's on at the Burton Art Gallery in Bideford in Devon from the 25th September to November 1st.
Interested readers may want to compare Searle's clever deck chair design with his cover for The New Yorker of June 10, 1991. It seems that lounging cats just can't get any peace!:
Thanks! One of the pleasures of being a Searle fan is spotting where & when he's recycled a gag or made a variation on a theme. Well done on spotting this one.
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