
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Book Covers

Aside from his own books Searle has illustrated countless book covers-he was so prolific  in the 50s that it's unsure how many exactly he did!  I've collated here as many as I could find.  Some titles I was unable to trace images for).

A Roof Over Your Head by Bill Naughton, The Pilot Press, London (1945)

Tales of the Supernatural Anthology.  (1947)

'White Coolie' by Ronald Hastain (1947)

'The Confidence Man' by Herman Melville (1948)

'That Winter' by Merle Miller (1948)

  'With My Little Eye' by Roy Fuller (1948)

'Circles Round the Wagon' by Fred Gipson (1949)

'The Inconstant Moon' by Noel Langley (1949)

'The Sure Thing' by Merle Miller (1950)

'Dear Life' by H. E. Bates (1950)

'Adam and Eve in America' by Luigi Olivero (1951)

'The Plays of Sheridan' (1951)

'Billy Budd & Other Stories' by Herman Melville (1951)

'Number 9' A P Herbert (1951)

'An Evening At The Larches' Harry Hearson & J. C. Trewin (1951)

 'The Way to Glory' by j d scott (1952)

'Willa, You're Wanted' by Affleck  Graves (1952)

'London So Help Me!' by Winifred Ellis (1952)

'Charley Moon' by Reginald Arkell (1953)

'Hemlock and After' by Angus Wilson (1953)

 'Jorkens Borrows Another Whiskey' by Lord Dunsany (1954) 

 'Jumping Joan & Other Stories' by C.H.B. Kitchin (1954)

'Anglo Saxon Attitudes' by Angus Wilson (1956)

'La Signora Della Torre' John Symonds (1957)

'My Uncle Harry' by Geoffrey Willans (1957)

'Un alligatore che si chiama Margherita' Charles Terrot (1957)

'Il diavolo si fa frate'
Editore: Longanesi, Milano, (1958)

'To My Astonishment' by Diana Graves (1958)

 'The Gay Twenties' by J.C. Trewin (1958) 

 'Destined Meeting' by Leslie Bell (1959)

'A Phoenix Too Frequent' by Christopher Fry (1959)

'The Anger of Achilles' by Robert Graves (1960)

Le Vent des Pins (1958), translated as 'Welcome Honourable Visitors' (1960)

'Steiner's Tour' by Philip O' Connor (1960)

John Steinbeck: "Of mice and men" and "Cannery Row".
Penguin Books 1964.

'The Peter Principal' by L.J. Peter & R. Hull (1971)

'Lady L' by Romain Gary   (1973)

(Photographed from the original artwork)

'Le Palais d'hiver' by Roger Grenier (1973)

'The Bostonians' by Henry James (1973)

'Qui est snob?' by Gonzague Saint Bris (1973)

'Three Men In A Boat' Jerome K Jerome (1981 edition)

'A Wolf in Frog's Clothing, The Best of Alphonse Allais'   (1989)

'I Have No Gun but I Can Spit: An Anthology of Satirical and Abusive Verse' by Kenneth Baker 
Published by Eyre Methuen, London, 1980

Original artwork, Cartoon Museum London

'Candy Is Dandy' by Ogden Nash (1994)

'A French Affair' by Mary Blume (1994)

‘Secret Ingredients: The New Yorker book of Food & Drink’  (2007)

'What Am I Still Doing Here?' by Roger Lewis (2011)


docnad said...

Well, you're really doing your homework, Matt. These covers are, for the most part, very obscure, and I've seen only a handful of them after decades of haunting used bookstores. I wonder what Henry James would have made of this edition of The Bostonians? Did you have help from the Searles in putting this rare group together?

Matt Jones said...

Yes, I found Jumping Joan and the Gay Twenties in the Searles' personal collection. Welcome Honourable Visitors was a find in Wendy Coates-Smith's library. The rest are for the most part Ebay finds.

Elliot said...

A tremendous post.

illustrationISM.... said...

GREAT collection!
I'm super jealous.
But not as nice as your bunch!